Students with D and F grades indicate a need for remedial assistance. The school counselors identify students who need assistance. They are required to study in the After School Study Hall (ASSH) which is one of the school’s academic intervention programs.
ASSH is a tutoring and homework program to help students attain the curricular standards by giving them time, support and instruction that focuses on their academic needs. It is designed for those students who want to improve their academic performance or need assistance with difficult assignments.
The supervised study hall meets one to two hours after school, Monday to Thursday. When the student’s grades improve, the counselor will sign a form releasing the student from the program. This is a mandatory program and attendance is taken. If a student’s poor grades do not improve despite assistance, the teacher or counselor will refer the student to the Student Success Team.
The Student Success Team is a source for teachers, parents, and students to provide alternative strategies, extensions of curriculum and focused intervention to teach new skills and promote success in learning. The positive problem-solving approach is meant to help students, teachers, and parents to build on ideas that will address current and future academic problems. Parents are invited to attend the meetings.