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Grievance Policy

< 1 min read

The standard of behavior for AIMS is set by biblical principles. It is understood that in human interaction there is always the possibility for misunderstandings. It is expected, however, that students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders will exhibit behavior dictated by high religious values. Disagreements and misunderstandings should be handled in a dignified way. Self-control is exhibited. The following procedure is a vehicle to help resolve a problem that seems beyond agreement or compromise between the parties involved:

  1. State the problem in writing, propose a resolution and give a copy of it to the person(s) involved as well as to the administrator.
  2. If the problem still cannot be resolved, ask for a meeting with the parties concerned and the administrators to examine the issues and work together to resolve the problem fairly and amiably.

Grievance Policy aligns with ESLGs: Critical Thinker, Effective Communicator, Self-Manager, Caring Citizen, and Exemplary Worker

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