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Summer Session for High School

1 min read

The AIMS high school summer program is a five-week intensive session (125 hours) that is equivalent to two semesters in the regular year. This intensive program will allow a student to focus with a smaller teacher/pupil ratio than the regular school year.

Each subject taught ensures that the concepts and skills taught during the school year are retaught and mastered. Students will be given a pre-assessment, mid-term, and a final assessment. The summer school session can be used to:

  •  Assist the student who has failed a course during the school year
  •  Assist the student who is having difficulty with certain core subject
  •  Prevent a student from doubling up on core classes during the school year (this would apply primarily to new students who have not met the requirements for graduation)
  • Enable a student to get ahead and reduce their course load during the regular semester upon the advice of the high school counselor.

A high school student can earn up to one credit during any given summer school session. A maximum of three (3) credits may be earned in summer school during the student’s enrollment at AIMS and can be counted toward graduation requirements.

When a course is repeated, both grades are shown on the transcript, as this is a historical record; however only the highest grade is counted in the GPA.

Students in the high school summer program should attend all classes. Excused absences will only be given in cases of verifiable emergencies.

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